The Big Bang Theory Quotes from "The Cohabitation Formulation"

Wolowitz finds himself having to choose between Bernadette and his mother and Leonard has another encounter with Raj's sister Priya
Wolowitz: I do get carried away sometimes.
Bernadette: You sound a little like a drunken monkey.
Wolowitz: My Mother needs me in the morning.
Bernadette: I think a woman can put on a wig by herself.
Wolowitz: Sex criminals don't have keys, Mom.
Mrs. Wolowitz: I know what that means. I watch Dr. Phil.
Wolowitz: Nobody has any diseases!
Mrs. Wolowitz: Is that what you want, to give your Mother herpes?
Leonard: Still arguing over which CSI is the best?
Sheldon: I'm upset we have an unannounced house guest, cocoa, Leonard.
Leonard: That's a real pickle, bye.
Sheldon: That's what tertiary friends are for.
Raj: I forbidid it.
Raj: You may talk in the bedroom, but I want this door to remain open.
Raj: I forbid you to hold hands.
Sheldon: The Hindu code of manu is very clear in these manners.
Sheldon: Leonard and Penny used to do the dance with no pants.
Raj: Penny, why did you get disenchanted with Leonard as a lover?
Bernadette: If you Mom's nose holds up, we get to spend two nights together.
Amy Farrah Fowler: Let's talk about Priya, that man stealing bitch.
Penny: What do you mean, more suitable?
Amy Farrah Fowler: You are a community college drop out who wrote the book on tipping cows.
Wolowitz: I choose you.
Raj: I'd love that. Everybody in India says it the same way.
Sheldon: If pepperoni was an explosive substance you would replace German Shepherds at out nation's airports.
Amy Farrah Fowler: Who are you kidding, she's breathtaking.
Sheldon: You get the part.
Sheldon: Given the state of your career, can you afford to be picky?
Leonard: What, with my tongue in your tail.
Wolowitz: You got any string cheese?
Wolowitz: I get little red bumps on my tookus.
Mrs Wolowitz: Remember to floss, we have the dentist in the morning.
Amy Farrah Fowler: Now let's get these electrodes attached.
Sheldon: It's actually Thai, you're slipping.
Amy Farrah Fowler: What up Bestie!
Sheldon: I'm sorry, it's not optional.

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