The Big Bang Theory Quotes From "The Toast Derivation"

Sheldon finds some new friends and Amy and Bernadette try to cheer Penny up.
Sheldon: Un Momento, now you're being deliberately stupid.
Sheldon: He sounds suspiciously like Jackie Chan.
Sheldon: Five people eating and talking is a party.
Sheldon: I'll go to your haggis party.
Sheldon: Was it about me, or the dead pixels?
Wolowitz: Watching Hofstadter suck the saliva out of your sister's mouth?
Sheldon: Dinner, some assembly required!
Sheldon: Windbreaker for my cape.
Penny: I was getting your stupid umbrella, but ok.
Sheldon: It was like the last days of Caligula.
Amy Farrah Fowler: From this angle I can see up your nose.
Sheldon: I'm the whimsical elf everyone looks to for a good time.
Amy Farrah Fowler: Leonardstan.
Penny: If you were a band you would be called Leonard and the Leonards.
Leonard: Levar Burton is coming here?
Sheldon: Possibly, I tweeted him.
Sheldon: Well, it would appear Levar Burton won't be joining us.
Barry: When is the waffle?
Amy Farrah Fowler: Yo, P-Dog!
Zack: There's nobody around so naturally I'm freeballin' it.
Barry: Go ahead Zack, drunk girl, freballin'...
Zack: So long story short I nailed here.
Zack: I shouted Holy Moly!
Priya: Sheldon's a bit quirky.
Wolowitz: Sheldon got punched by Bill Gates.
Bernadette: I would take that deal all day long.
Amy Farrah Fowler: Do you have an electric toothbrush?
Penny: Let's go find me a hiney to bite.
Stewart: Did they do Walking on Sunshine yet?
Leonard: He tried to declare our apartment a sovereign nation. I still have some of the currency.
Sheldon: Your girlfriend is a little short tempered.
Sheldon: This is good, whatever it is.
Guys: I'm Walking on Sunshine...

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