Modern Family Quotes from 'The Musical Man'

Cameron takes control of the spring musical at Luke and Manny's school, while Jay's brother pays him and visit, and Phil tries to get the family to be in his new real estate advertisement.
Here are tonight's quotes:
Phil: Are you the foxy Mom on the New Horizon Realty ad?
Phil: All that driving around your Mom does will serve a purpose.
Cam: Why do you have to throw a wet blanket on my dreams?
Manny: I'm thinking of taking a run at her.
Jay: My brother's an ass.
Donny: There has to be an easier way to get a green card.
Cam: We're twenty minutes long so I'm going to cut the Bollywood number.
Cam: You know who else missed soccer practice, the cast of 'Rent"
Claire: He's not just selling houses, he's selling us.
Jay: That's why Colombia is such a peaceful utopia.
Haley: I knew this car ride was a trap.
Claire: Boys think you are cute, that doesn't last forever.
Phil: Sweet Lorna Doone.
Phil: I think the carpet matches the drapes, I haven't checked in a while.
Cam: Powerful stuff!
Cam: it's not the Sistine Chapel, Ruben.
Manny: Ruben hasn't had a bowel movement in a week. That's how Elvis died.
Cam: I had no idea I was surrounded by a bunch of quitters.
Cam: Too bad people, we're doing it my way.
Phil: Keep looking forward!
Cam: It has a certain flair.
Cam: Just go with it.
Jay: Don't hit him, he has cancer.
Jay: I can't hear no more!
Cam: Joan of Ark is going to be ok.
Cam: Not you sweetie, you just mouth the words.
Cam: Lower the insignia.
Phil: More of an escort, actually.
Haley: I'll go home with anyone.
Alex: That's what your sign should say.
Alex: I think they're call "johns"
Claire: Thanks to all the perverts in town, I still have some good years ahead of me.
Mitchell: Luke, we're trying to have a moment here.
Non speaking: We love the F-word
I can't be satisfied

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