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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.


Lego Man in Space

I love this story.

Two Toronto teenagers earlier this month when Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad sent a Lego-manned flight capsule into space.

The two 17-year-old Agincourt Collegiate Institute students completed their year-long mission two weeks ago, successfully sending a balloon carrying a Lego man and a small Canadian flag out of earth's atmosphere.

The unit was launched from a park near Ho's east-end home and ascended 80,000 feet before the balloon popped. The Lego man and his cargo fell safely to earth, with the help of a homemade parachute, where it landed in a Peterborough field.

The whole mission was captured by four cameras on board the shuttle and tracked by the GPS inside a phone. The astonishing photographs showed the Lego man hovering well above earth and captured glorious views of our planet from space.

The space mission began more than a year ago but work really got underway when Ho and Muhammad started drawing up plans in September, working during the weekends to sew together the parachute, perfect the flight pod and iron out all the problems that come with launching an object into space.

The pair, who first met in middle school, saw a similar project done by a group of IT students and figured they could do it themselves.

"Almost to prove to ourselves and prove to everyone else that we could do it," Ho told The Toronto Star.

"I knew I wanted to do something like this but I couldn't do it alone," added Muhammad.

"Once we started doing it, I really wanted to retrieve it back because I wanted to show everyone that we could do it."

Ho has applied to Canadian universities with the intention of pursuing a commerce degree. Muhammad has applied to several engineering programs.


Photos From the 2012 PGA Merchandise Show - Part 1

The curtain has come down on the 2012 PGA Merchandise Show and quite a shot it was.

Over 42,000 attendees, 1000 exhibitors and many celebrities in attendance.

A great show you need to see to believe.  From Wednesday's Demo Day to the next hree days on the convention floor, it's golf overload. 

Here's a few pictures from the spectacle.

Perfect Weather for Demo DayThe Adams tent at Demo DayBlair O'Neal hitting balls for Cobra Puma at Demo DayYoung Lexi Thompson at Demo DayThere were 10 miles of aisles to walk at the Orange County Convention CenterLPGA star Natalie Gulbis at the Winn Grips areaInsta Golf Shoes fit right over your everyday street shoes


Australian Open Day 14: Match of the Day

The men's finals featuring Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal.

This is the 30th meeting between these two.

The stats show that Djokovic has not lost to Nadal since the end od 2011 at the ATP Finals.

They played last year at Wimbledon, they played last year at the U.S. Open.  All won by Djokovic.

I see Djokovic winning again in this one.

He wins the big points and raises his games at the right moments.  Nadal has had an extra day's rest, but the way the courts are playing and the way the tennis has gone.  Look for Djokovic to win in 4 tough sets.


Roof Collapses at Hockey Rink

In Slovakia, the roof on an ice hockey rink collapsed in dramatic fashion as several players, including former NHL star Richard Zednik, escape the deadly accident.

The rink is a year old, having been constructed in November 2010. The cause of the collapse was reportedly due to too much snow and ice accumulating on the rink's roof.

Thankfully, the AP's John Belmont reports that no one was hurt in the collapse.


Australian Open Day 12 Match of the Day

Novak Djokovic vs. Andy Murray

I expect another close one, how about Djokovic in 5 sets.