Win a Bag O' Swag From the 2012 PGA Merchandise Show

One of the great things about the annual PGA Merchandise Show is all the free stuff you get.
The presss is just given stuff for well, being press. You can also pick up bags of free stuff waling the convention floor. At a golf show many of the items you get are golf related.
Here's your chance to get some of the stuff.
Win your very own bag of swag from the 2012 PGA Merchandise show that just wrapped up.
It's all here, show notes, official guide, balls, tees, repair tools, grips. A "Welcome to Wales" bag of information, lip balm, and Anna Nordqvist autographed picture and more.
It's easy to do, just follow me on Twitter at @RickRoswell and leave a comment below. I'll pick a random winner on Sunday and DM you for your address.
You'll have your very own bag o' swag next week.
Good Luck!