Girl Takes a Header After Getting Diploma

And she makes a pretty good recovery.
Chick's Graduation Faceplant - Watch more Funny Videos

Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.
Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.
And she makes a pretty good recovery.
Chick's Graduation Faceplant - Watch more Funny Videos
The whole family has gathered at Jay's before heading out to Alex's graduation ceremony from middle school, but while at the house, Jay is preoccupied hiding a botox mishap from everyone, Cameron is upset about Mitchell's habit of laughing at his expense, and Phil and Claire think about how fast the kids are growing up.
Alex: He misses a few weeks when the robot he was working on attacked him.
Phil: It was kind of a grande deal. I was up against a Puerto Rican.
Phil: Otherwise what happens in Vegas won't happen to me, because I won't be there.
Jay: My clicker won't work.
Mitchell: If I wasn't gay before...
Phil: Until 2 pm tomorrow, when my flight leaves for Vegas.
Jay: I got botox, and now it's drifting.
Haley: Nobody wants to think, it's a graduation.
Manny: I'm trying to rule out a stroke.
Cam: I'm just saying it's a character flaw.
Mitchell: The pool popped!
Manny: Well, I'll be graduating.
Cam: Now it makes sense, it's a Pritchett thing.
Claire: His face looks like a candle.
Cam: What were you thinking you're a veteran.
Phil: Do you think he got his butt done too?
Haley: You'll be a social piranha!
Claire: As a gate owner you have a certain responsibility.
Phil: Hysterical wife, hysterical wife, hysterical wife, jackpot!
Cam: I need a paperclip, some olive oil and a ribbon.
Gloria: I keep hitting my boobs with my knees.
Phil: Grab a handful, don't be shy.
Gloria: It's my bathroom too, and I like when the old guy is there.
Claire: She became a moody, little, texting princess.
Phil: Me nombre es Fillipe.
Alex: Don't stop believing, let's get this party started.
Cam: Your speech moved me.
Haley: I'm kind of hungry Mom.
Phil: Oh my God, she's back!