Dancing With the Stars Instant Dance Results: Nancy Exits With Grace

It was a perfect night for J.R. Martinez in the ballroom last night as he earned two 30's. He and his partner Karina worked hard during the week and J.R. seem to expect the 30's.
On the other end of the spectrum, Nancy Grace struggled last night and is at the bottom of the standings, far behind the other dancers.
Most fans and experts would say that it's Nancy Grace's time to go home tonight. Let's watch and see.
A nice routine to start off the show. Complete will all the female professional dancers on the show.
Some results are up next. Rob, Hope and J.R. are the first stars called up to find out their fate. The first couple through to the semi-finals is J.R. and Karina. Also through to the semis is Hope and Maks. Rob and Cheryl are in jeopardy.
Next we get the infamous Dance Center piece with Jerry Rice, Kenny Mayne and Len. They recap the contestants and how they are doing.
Andrea Bocelli is up next with a great help from Chris Botti on the trumpet.
More Dance Center is followed by the new Michael Jackson Cirque show preview. Lots of acrobatics and dancing to music from "The King of Pop."
Next we get a special performance from Flo-rida. He sings "Club Can't Handle Me."
Now we see who joins Rob and Cheryl in the bottom two. It's going to be Ricki or Nancy. Heading to the semi-finals will be Ricki and Derek. Nancy is in the bottom two.
It's down to these two, one is going to the semi-finals. It will be... Rob and Cheryl. Nancy is out.
The Muppets perform next week.