Tonight we pay homage to the great songs of the 1980's.
It's the 5th week of competition so we should see one or two of the couples who should make the finals start to separate themselves from the pack. I don't think that will be the team of Chaz and Lacey, but they have made it this far.
Let's go back to the 80's.
The Bangles started off the show with one of their hits, "Eternal Flame." After they broke in to "Walk Like an Egyptian" you knew it was 80's Night. A lot of big hair, spandex and parachute pants to come.
Hope and Maks are first up tonight. They did a good foxtrot last week. this weeks it's on to the tango. Another good dance. Lot's of action and entertainment value. Len thought Hope was too flat, but Bruno thought she resembled an 80's Super Bitch. She was strong and powerful, but needs a little refining. Hope gets a 24.
Carson and Anna are up next with a Wham! song. Carson donned leg warmers for rehearsals, and a track suit for the performance, that turned into a cheerleader outfit, compete with pom poms. It may be the strangest dance I've ever seen on DWTS. I don't know what to say about this. Bruno called it a "Crowning achievement in madness." Carson gets a 19 and a lot of smiles.
Nancy and Tristan next on stage. It's wouldn't be the 80's without Spandau Ballet. Nancy has a lot of work to do this week and Tristan wants her to listen better. Remember, Nancy is a lawyer, so good luck with that. Not a difficult dance, it was ok to me. The judges thought it was ok as well. Nancy gets a 22 out of 30.
After another Bangles song we get J.R. and Karina. J.R. has been the best dancer on the show so far, but the judges still want to see more. They get a samba and J.R. is looking forward to it. A lot going on here as J.R. unleashed his Latin roots. With the best ovation of the night, J.R. gets a 28 and vaults to the top!
Rob and Cheryl are next on. Rob is working harder to be a contender, not a pretender. He has to do a rumba and Cheryl wants him to take the lead. Rob did well, he continues to improve each week. Rob played the leading man very well. He gets a 25.
Chaz and Lacey are again looking to improve. He's been getting a lot of fan votes, but he wants to prove his worth on the dance floor. Lacey even brought her dad out this week to help Chaz. It's the best I've seen Chaz move. Len liked the effort, even thought the technique was a bit lacking. Chaz gets a 21.
David Arquette and Kym are on next. They get to do a tango to "Tainted Love." A good tango with lots of moves and a good level of difficulty. It did have a good 80's feel. The judges liked it and David gets a 25 for his highest score.
Ricki and Derek will be last to go tonight. Ricki earned some 10's last week, can she duplicate that this week? Ricki knows the 80's and wants to turn it up a notch. Another nice effort from Ricki and Derek. it earns them a 24.
Results show tomorrow with Kelly Clarkson and The Band Perry. Tune in!