Modern Family Quotes from "Go Bullfrogs!"

While Phil takes Haley to look at a college, his alma mater, Claire, Cam and Mitchell go out on the town. And will Jay and Gloria have "the talk" with Manny?
Here are the quotes:
Phil: College!
Claire: Go Bullfrogs!
Phil: You mean Bulldogs... do we croak or bark?
Manny: Bella has recently blossomed.
Gloria: Fuego y Hielo: Fire and Ice.
Claire: I need a fun night out!
Claire; I need music, dancing and second-hand smoke.
Claire: If that was your gay card it would be revoked.
Cam: Does that mean no pot pies?
Phil: You aren't the first girl to leave me at this table with a plate full of chicken wings.
Claire: Nose job....
Claire: What do they do with all the butt they take out?
Mitchell: I don't know about you, but I have about five minutes of fabulous left.
Gloria: When did hats came back anyway?
Jay: Renaldo!
Phil: I chilled in a bar with some undergrads.
Longines: He's my trainer and he's straight.
Claire: Holy pythons, Batman!
Claire: And one upstate with Daddy. The fun is just beginning.
Cam: Our pot pies could be anywhere by now.
Cam: Oh look, they went to see Jay-Z.
Cam: Maybe do some luxury camping.
Mitchell: We are in a rut!
Phil: It's a little cliche to pick out someone who looks exactly like your Dad.
Phil: You were an excellent back up shortstop.
Gloria: Jay, I beg of you, go, go go!
Manny: You think it's the coffee?
Jay: You get taller, when you get taller.
Jay: You see that. pretty soon that's how strong you'll be.
Julian : I'm not gay, I'm French!
Haley: That sweatshirt embarrasses me a little.
Haley: So, is it really fun!
Manny: Why what did you think I was doing?
Jay: He could've got a 2-year subscription to Playboy for that.
Cam: That night we ate like kings.