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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Wood (2)


Neighborwoods Etches Your City on Wood

This company has "got wood."

And your city etched on it.

If you love vintage maps, this might be for you. There is something magical about hand-drawn and hand-lettered maps. So Neighborwoods was created.

Hand-drawn and laser engraved into unfinished aromatic cedar, Neighborwoods capture the story of your city, including all of its neighborhoods and key statistics. The cedar's natural wood grain characteristics set off the engraved typography and hand-drawn details.

Every map is unique, just like your treasured stories from your neighborhood. Keep an eye out for more releases in the near future.

Welcome to the Neighborwood!

Put out by Aymie Spitzer.



The Big Bang Theory Quotes From "The Recombination Hypothesis"

Leonard wants to take Penny out for a romantic dinner, so what does the gang have to say about that?

Here are the quotes:

Sheldon: Permission granted commander.

Amy: The more intelligent the monkey, the more feces they fling.

Sheldon: They sent the wrong Spock.

Sheldon: Live long and suck.

Penny: Too much?

Amy: Maybe he's dying, that would be so romantic.

Amy: She could ride him right up until he flatlines.

Amy: If he were dying, would you sleep with him?

Bernadtte: I'm a sexy cardiologist, and I'm not in his HMO.

Sheldon: Either of you fellows have wood?

Sheldon: Who has wood for my sheep?

Raj: Why do you call her brown sugar?

Sheldon: It's in her book, "Needy Baby, Greedy Baby"

Sheldon: Anybody have wood?

Leonard; I used the equipment to make my own Bat Signal.

Leonard; I'm the King of the Nerds.

Penny: I don't even know what T.J. stands for.

Sheldon: Now that I have some wood, I'm going to start the erection of my settlement.

Sheldon: He's being murdered.

Raj: You were in the middle of an erection?

Sheldon: It's right here in my hand.

Leonard: Sometimes I have questions.

Leonard: Except when I got the foot cramp.

Leonard: What if I dump you?

Leonard: Penny and Leonard 2.0

Sheldon: Did you bring you asthma inhaler?

Sheldon: Here's 2 dollars, go buy some beef jerky.

Sheldon: You have a keen insight into the human heart, Amy Farrah Fowler.

Penny: You're like a dog with a bone.

Leonard; Isn't sex after fighting what we do now?

Penny: I've got to stop by the drug store.