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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Television (551)


Tonight's Big Bang Theory Quotes : "The Irish Pub Formulation"

Tonight's quotable quotes from The Big Bang Theory.  Raj's sister comes to L.A. for a visit and gets cozy with Leonard.  And more classic Sheldon.  

Also, I didn't know foreigners give presents to Americans on Thanksgiving.


Sheldon: Why would I change?

Raj: Hands off my sister...

Sheldon: Why would I touch her, she's so covered in airplane germs.

Sheldon: Apparently you hate fun.

Sheldon: Kill Troll! Hit Troll with Axe! This is one tough Troll!

Sheldon: it's a shame our society mocks the differently uvulated.

Pria: I could never bring a white boy home to my parents. They's have a cow.

Sheldon: I'm no stanger to the topological scurge that is dermatitis.

Sheldon: I was ready to waste the last of my hemroid cream on you.

Sheldon: I had a patty melt.

Leonard: I'm the Darth Vader of Pasadena.

Sheldon: You're far too short to be Darth Vader.

Sheldon: Alfred knows that Barbara Gordon is Batgirl.

Napkin from Maggie McGary: Call me if you are interested in coitus.

Howard: How could you, we had a pact!

Howard: While we're at it, you don't have to wash my clothes on the 4th of July.

Raj: Sheldon, I'm sorry I used your toothbrush.

Sheldon: Mango-Caterpillar


'Modern Family' Quotes of the Night: Halloween

I don't think anyone can do Halloween better than Modern Family.


Phil: We love Halloween!

Claire:  I'm sparing you an entire day of guys asking you if you have a rough tongue.

Mitchell:  There are exactly 3 people in costumes.  A tool, a douche, and me.

Jay: It's Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, not carpool tunnel syndrome.

Claire:  Are you trying to get candy or Japanese businessmen?

Mitchell:  I'm trapped in the men's room and all I have on is a Spiderman costume.

Haley:  I'm Mother Teresa.  Back when she was hot.

Claire:  I'll pay you $10 to put on more clothes.

Jay:  Did she just get back from the dentist?

Cam:  I wanted to run too, but my hump got stuck on a rosebush.

Cam:  And then the townspeople started chasing me, and that's when I wet my pants.

Cam:  I lived on a farm... they lived in town, they were townspeople.

Gloria:  He came out of nowhere and he scared the Baby Jesus out of me.

Claire:  Halloween is a crazy-ass holiday!

Cam:  That's a lot of complaining for someone that asked for thirds of our tendoori turkey last year.



Zombies Take Over New York During Rush Hour

As if a normal New York City rush hour isn't enough, add some wandering zombies to the equation, and you have a morning to remember.

Dozens of actors dressed as the living dead hit The Big Apple as a promotion for AMC's new series, 'Walking Dead.'


Some zombies hit Times Square — while another group worked their way across the Brooklyn Bridge, much to the delight/horror/indifference/dismay of people on their way to work. 

This was all part of an international campaign in 26 cities to promote AMC's new original series, "Walking Dead." Taipei, Hong Kong, Buenos Aires and Los Angeles were among the other cities targeted by the flesh-eating monsters. 

For those not familiar with this new show, it's based on a series of comic books by Robert Kirkman. In a nutshell, the story revolves around a small town sheriff who gets shot, loses consciousness, and when he wakes, learns that the dead have returned to life and his family is missing.
The show was is filmed in and around the Atlanta area.

Dancing With the Stars Rock Week: Live Blog

Last week's TV theme songs are a distant memory at this point. The couples this week will be rocking out to two different dances. It's Rock Week on Dancing With the Stars.

The show began this week by recapping some of the best dances from past seasons.

The top dance from the past was the free style Cheryl and Drew Lachey did all the way back in season 2. Didn't think people would remember that one.

Next up Rock Week, complete with electric guitars and pyro. Should be a spectacle.

First up are Audrina and Tony. They will be doing a paso doble to "Another One Bites the Dust." I don't think Audrina will bit the dust this week with that performance. Len wants to see more from Audrina as he still thinks she has the potential to win this competition. Audrina gets three 8's for a 24 total.

Up next Kyle and Lacey. Kyle had the lowest score last week, but he was saved by the fan's voting. He has to improve this week to stay on the show. This week Kyle dances a tango. it was a good dance and an improvement over last week. A 23 for Kyle this week.

Next onto Jennifer and Derek. Derek actually has a tough job with Jennifer preparing some of these dances. She has had a previous neck injury, and that can come into play with some of the difficult dances. Jennifer did get a little wild with this rough dance. She is trying to do too much and it is hurting her dancing. A disappointing 20 for Jennifer.

Rick and Cheryl are in a tough spot now. Should they stay conservative, or try and push it up a notch? They attempted a tough routine and came through ok. Rick does a good job keeping up with Cheryl. The couple gets a 24.

This is a huge dance for Bristol and Mark. The judges have been begging Bristol to take chances. So far she has been as conservative as her Mother, but she has a tango this week. She did great, much improvement and lots of praise for Bristol. A 23 for Bristol.

I'm excited to see what Kurt Warner has planned this week. He was good last week, but i think he can be even better. The judges called the routine "awkward", but the audience disagreed. A low score of 18 for Kurt and Anna.

Last up before the dance marathon are Maks and Brandy. Brandy was almost perfect last week, and this week it was great again. Bruno compared Brandy to Tina Turner. The pair gets a 26.

The final segment of the show featured the first dance marathon of the season.  Maks and Brandy capped off a great night by winning the dance marathon and 10 points.

It doesn't look good for Kurt Warner heading into tomorrow night.


'The Amazing Race' drar til Norway

Actually The Amazing Race goes to Norway this week to say it in Englsih. 

It's mind over matter week on CBS’ The Amazing Race. Teams race from Sweden to Norway Sunday for the fifth leg of the Emmy Award winning reality show where strong girl teams Nat/ Kat and Brook/ Claire  try to complete tasks that they would rather not do.

Claire must face her fear of heights when she agrees to perform a Roadblock in which she must descend from a high bridge to the river below using ropes suspended from the bridge. At the Detour Kat, a vegetarian, and Nat must each consume a Christmas Norwegian delicacy: smalahove (sheep’s head) before they will receive their next clue.  Ouch!

Looks like another great episode of The Amazing Race.  Tonight on CBS at 8pm Eastern.