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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Television (551)


This Week's Big Bang Theory Quotes "The Desperation Emanation"

Lots of relationship banter this week.

Quotes from tonight's episode of The Big Bang Theory:

Sheldon: She's a girl, she's a friend, she's not my (please forgive me for doing this) girlfriend.

Leonard: Ummmmm Shut up!

Sheldon; Allright I'll bow to social pressure, 'Hey!"

Raj: Two words, Deaf Chick!

Stewart: Comic Con , the one place in the world where saying "I own a comic bookstore is a pick-up line."

Amy: A stink of desperation.

Sheldon: I'm a physicist not a hippie!

Leonard: Long story short, they really have a little jail in the mall.

Sheldon: Got your back Jack, bitches be crazy!

Joy: Basically a hundred ways to rip a guy's nuts off.

Howard: I was once robbed by a pre-op transsexual I met on JDate.

Sheldon:  I assure you I'm quite real, and I'm having regular intercourse with your daughter.

Sheldon:  It's time for me to make love to your daughter's vagina.




Conan Announces Guests

Conan O'Brien's first TBS guest will be determined via poll, but he will welcome a slew of big and small names for its first week.
TBS has announced that the guests on the Monday, Nov. 8  "Conan" premiere will be Seth Rogen, musical guest Jack White and the aforementioned First Guest Poll winner.
The following night, Tom Hanks and Jack McBrayer will be the guests, with Soundgarden dropping by to perform. Jon Hamm, Charlyne Y and Fistful of Mercy will guest on Wednesday, Nov. 10. And "Conan" will finish its first week with Michael Cera, Julie Bowen and comedian Jon Dore.
It's a decent crop of guests, but I'm a little underwhelmed.  We'll see how it goes after the first week.

Is the 'Glee' GQ Cover Too Racy?

You decide.

A steamy spread in the new GQ featuring the cast of the hit high school musical show “Glee” is causing a firestorm with one parent group that says it “bordered on pedophilia.”

The Parents Television Council is attacking “Glee” producers for allowing their cast, who portray high school students, to do the sexy shoot, which features the female stars dressed and posed provocatively.

GQ editor-in-chief Jim Nelson points out that Dianna Agron, Cory Monteith and Lea Michele, the actors featured in the spread, are all well above the age of consent!

“These ‘kids’ are in their 20s,” Nelson said. “Cory Monteith’s almost 30! I think they’re old enough to do what they want.”

I have to agree.  What I also have noticed is this show keeps getting a little more "adult' each and eery week.  The show is too good, they don't need to head in that direction.


Dancing With the Stars: TV Theme Week (Live Blog)

This should be fun. The couples this week get to perform to TV theme songs. We all have out favorite TV themes, and we'll be able to see how the pros choreograph these routines.

Last week everybody was a bit nervous with the new stage and the acoustic music, this week should be the exact opposite as it is about having fun this week and showing off your moves.

Last week we lost The Situation and his unconventional dancing. I think both The Sitch and Karina saw the writing on the wall and realized he wasn't the level of the other competitors. This week Bristol, Brandy, and Florence will be on notice and they all need to give a strong performance.

Jennifer and Audrina have kind of seperated themselves from the rest, so the pressure is on them as well to perform well each and every week.


The show tonight promises drama, magic, unpredictable behavior. We'll see how they deliver on that.

It's the first time they have ever tried a TV theme week, and Brandy and Maks will kick it off.

Brandy really needs to wow the judges at this point. They are dancing to the Friends theme, a good song to get a good score on. They get to do a quickstep this week, and Maks is a good teacher of the quickstep. It was a great effort and a perfect way to start the show. The judges liked it and Brandy seemed pleased with her effort as well. The scores were all 9's for 27 out of 30.

It's no surprise Florence Henderson was going to dance to The Brady Bunch theme. Corky and Florence work well together. It's a tough song to dance to, but it's a timeless classic. Carrie Ann liked it, but Bruno thought it went off in the middle. Florence has some dancing talent and she was rewarded with a 21.

Kurt Warner is Bewitched, or at least he danced to the theme song. Kurt and Anna used the whole ballroom for their routine. Kurt was very light on his feet and made it look easy. A great performance earns Kurt and Anna a 24.

The Hills' star Audrina will dance to The Hill's theme. She and Tony will dance a Rumba. To me the dance was a little slow and out of sorts. The judges, who know more than me liked it more than I did. Audrina receives a 23.

Next on is Kyle and Lacey. They are dancing to the theme from Charlie's Angels. Their routine had a retro feel to it. A nice and interesting routine. Bruno called it a "disco foxtrot." Len said it was bad and got worse. Mixed opinions. Kyle gets a 20.

Rick Fox and Cheryl next Rick improves a little each week, but he needs to turn it up a notch. Rick got some advice from Kobe Bryant and Phil Jackson during the week. Rick was very smooth this week. Hill Street Blues suited Rick and Cheryl. Rick gets a 24.

Bristol Palin and Mark need a big performance tonight. They dances to The Monkee's theme. They actually started out in monkey costumes. It was a bit choppy, but fun. Carrie Ann actually like Bristol this week. Bristol get an 18 for her birthday.

Jennifer Grey closes out the show this week. She and Derek drew a foxtrot this week. Last week she received 10's, that will be hard to repeat this week. Despite some issues during practice this week, the duo danced to "Love and Marriage." It was good, but not as good as last week. They get a 25.

Results show tomorrow.



Dancing Pros Invade Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

As this season of Extreme Makeover continues, I'm impressed by all the guest stars and celebs they are bringing on the show.

This week, it's Dancing With the Stars.

Dancing pros, Derek Hough, Mark Ballas, Tony Dovolani, Anna Trebunskaya and Chelsie Hightower all helped out this week. The gang was there to help rebuild the home where Rhex Arboleda, an unsung hometown hero, lives with his wife and five children.

Rhex started a program called Move to the Groove that encourages kids to get up and move, dance and be active," says DWTS pro Derek Hough.

"This family of seven was living in a 500-square-foot home, but they were the most positive people," Hough says. "It was wonderful to be part of that energy, to give back to someone who had given so much but had so little."

Throughout the weeklong build with Ty Pennington and his crew, Hough insisted he be allowed to "get [his] hands dirty."

"After a few hours of swinging a hammer I was quite sore, I have to admit," Hough says, laughing.

Another reat episode of Extreme Makeover.