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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Television (551)


The Big Bang Theory Quotes of the Night

From the episode called "The Zazzy Substitution"


Raj: I printed out a pdf to read on the potty.

Penny: Hey, look it's Shamy

Wolowitz: And someday when you have varicose veins, I'll show you how to massage them.

Leonard: Oh no, it's John and Yoko.

Wolowitz: More like Yoko and Yoko.

Wolowitz: Women, can't live with them, can't successfully refute their hypothesis

Shelton: Raj, Howard, I'd like you to meet Dr. Robert Oppenheimer.

Shelton: Here's your cat, and here's your $20




CNN's 'Parker Spitzer' on Deathwatch

I don't know what has been worse, the ratings for CNN"s new show Parker Spitzer, or the show itself.

Here's how the show has fared so far in its time slot:

Fox News Channel: The O’Reilly Factor: 3,112,000 viewers (722,000 in the key demo 25-54)
MSNBC: Countdown with Keith Olbermann: 1,115,000 viewers (329,000 in 25-54)
HLN: Nancy Grace: 468,000 viewers (149,000 in 25-54)
CNN: Parker Spitzer debut: 454,000 viewers (118,000 in 25-54 demo).

"Parker Spitzer" actually lost audience from the lead-in provided by John King at 7 p.m. (471,000 viewers). And King's show has severe ratings issues.  This is real nad news for this show, and it looks like another bad programming decision for CNN.

Campbell Brown left CNN in July, having averaged 591,000 total viewers in this time slot for the year.


Dancing With the Stars: Week 3 Results Show Preview

Week 3 of Dancing With the Stars is in the books and is was quite a performance show.

We saw Mark Ballas as a homeless person, Florence Henderson recreating The Sound of Music, and The Situation attempting to travel through time.

It was 'Story Week" and as we turn to a new chapter some things stood out to me. The judges are tough this year. Especially to teams that are showing potential, this will pay off in the long run. Bristol Palin is getting more comfortable in front of the camera. She started out really shy, now she is just a little shy. The judges are right in saying she has to get more connected and emotional while dancing. And third, The Situation needs to go, but he might last another week.

I predict that as I sit here 30 minutes before the show that Margaret Cho will be out tonight. She hasn't improved very much, and as hard as Louis is working with her, she doesn't have the ability of the other dancers.

So, Cho this week, and The Situation should go home next week.


Dancing With the Stars Week 3 Preview: Will 'The Situation' Boyle Over?


It's week three of this installment of Dancing With the Stars, and it's time I tell you a little story.  I mean the dancers tonight will tell you a story, or at least attmept to.

The pairs tonight must incorporate a story into their dance routines to move on to the third week.  To me, this actually favors dancers that have a story to tell.  That should eliminate "The Situation" who is living on borrowed time at this point.

Athletes Rick Fox and Kurt Warner should have great stories to tell as should Florence Henderson and even Margaret Cho.

This is an important week, and usually the last week where judges tend to give the benefit of the doubt to the lesser dancers.  Historically, after this week, the routing get more difficult and more is expected of the competitors.  "The Situation" should go, he is not the level of the other celebs, and I don't think he has the work ethic of the others as well.

On a side note, another "situation" is brewing.  British singing sensation Susan Boyle will not be appearing on Tuesday's episode.  She did not board a flight to L.A. possibly due to a throat infection and she will be replaced by another artist.  TMZ reported she was to sing "Hallelujah."

Should be entertaining shows Monday and Tuesday night.



'The Amazing Race' Heads to Ghana for First Time

For the first time in the history of The Amazing Race, the teams head to the African nation of Ghana this week.

Racers hit the streets of Ghana and get upset as they deal with difficult challenges and taxi woes. Jill and Thomas fall behind enough to consider saving themselves by using the very special, get out of jail free card, The Express Pass.

This 17th season of The Amazing Race has or will record a number of “firsts”. As seen in the premiere last week Jill and Thomas won the first Express Pass ever awarded on The Amazing Race. This pass will allow them to skip any single challenge during the first 8 legs of the race.  Last week’s start from Gloucester, Mass was the first time the race started in a location other than Los Angeles. TAR visits Ghana and Bangladesh for the first time this season and it crosses the Arctic Circle for the first time too. All of these firsts have to make one wonder if it will also be the first time that a female team reaches the finish line and claims the $1,000,000 prize.

The team of best friends, Ron and Tony were the first ones eliminated from TAR 17 when they were unable to cross a river in their walnut shell boats without capsizing. Although disappointed, they were quite good-natured about it at the mat with host Phil Keoghan. Their spirits were high as they chatted with Phil about their friendship and fulfilling Tony’s desire to run in the race.

Tune in to CBS on Sunday as The Amazing Race settles into its regular 8:00 – 9:00PM spot to see who will make it one more week and out of Ghana.