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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Television (551)


Big Bang Theory - Tonight's Best Quotes


It was a funny episode tonight, but a little weak in the funny quote division.

A special guest spot by Steve Wozniak was great to see.  Sheldon was up to his old tricks and we even got to hear Penny sing the "Kitty" song.

Here are some quotes:

Sheldon:  A Dogopus can play fetch with 8 balls. No one can hate that

Wolowitz:  Oh look, its Leonard & R2 D-Bag

Sheldon: I don't care much for turtlenecks or showmanship

Woz: I never got that turtleneck thing either

Woz: Nerds!


Britney Spears = Ratings for Glee

Britney Spears apparently is still popular and moves the meter.

Tuesday's episode that featured the star in some dream-sequence cameos drew an estimated 13.5 million viewers. The Nielsen Co. says it was the second most-watched episode of the show ever, behind last spring's return from a hiatus.

That's also an increase from the 11.1 million people who had tuned in to the "Glee" season premiere a week earlier. Spears was also a trending topic on Twitter during the telecast, exemplifying one of TV's biggest new trends: viewers using social media to correspond with friends while watching.

The show's cast performed five Spears songs during the episode, including "I'm a Slave 4U" and "Stronger."



Dancing With the Stars Week 2 Results Show Live Blog

A question I asked myself yesterday was how low can Michael Bolton go?  As in the judges scores.  And it was pretty low as Bruno awarded Michael and Chelsie with a "3".

Not since Steve Wozniak hit the dance floor a few seasons back did anyone get a "3".

Everybody is saying Michael Bolton will be eliminated tonight and he does deserve it, but the fan's votes could save him. 

Live Blog to follow: 

9:00  A recap of last night's performances.

9:03  The team of Kyle and Lacey are put to safety and the pair of Brandy and Max are put in jeopardy.

9:05  Bruno is given a chance to defend his harsh words about Michael Bolton.  He said Rin Tin Tin could've done a better jive.

9:06  Len tells Bruno he was too harsh.  Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black.

9:07  Kyle and Lacy give an encore performance.

9:12  Janelle Monae sings her song "Tightrope".  Good singing and dancing, high energy.

9:15  Backstage interviews with Brooke. 

9:17  Replays of audience booing last night.  Not for Sarah Palin, but for Jennifer and Derek's scores from the judges.

9:20  Safe for next week is Florence and Corky and Bristol and Mark.  The Situation and Karina are put in jeopardy.

9:25  More results and fun as we find out why Tony might have to wax his legs.  Audrina and Tony are safe, but can the same be said for his leg hairs?  Jennifer and Derek of course are safe.

9:27  Behind the scenes - A look at dancer's rituals.

9:30  Macy's Stars of Dance. 

9:37  Music sensation Seal performs.  The pro dancers get to perform to Seal's wonderful music. 


9:41  A feature on how the dancers deal with the stress of competition.

9:43  More recaps from last night and the next four couples brought up to find out their fate.  Here are more results.  Kurt and Anna are safe, no surprise there.  Joining them are Margaret and Louis, maybe the most improved pair.

9:52  Rick Fox and Cheryl are put to safety. 

9:53  Three couples remain in final jeopardy.  Comercial break.

9:59  After Brandy and Max are pulled to safety, Michael Bolton and Chelsie Hightower were the second pair eliminated.  The Situation and Karina live to see another week, barely.

Next week, the couples will have to tell a story with their dances.



Big Bang Theory Quotes of the Night


A great season premiere.  If these quotes don't get you watching it, nothing will.

Sheldon: "I don't want to be another flip-flop fatality"

Leonard: "The robot hand is stuck on your what?"

Raj: "Where does Aquaman poop?"

Raj: "The robot hand has a death-grip on your junk."

Amy: "Penny, to your mind, are you a slut?"

Nurse: "I've got a robot hand here grasping a man's penis."

Howard: "Winnie the Pooh is out of the honey tree."

Sheldon: "In these uncertain times, doesn't humanity need a gift?"



Sesame Street Pulls Katy Perry and Elmo Spot

It was the right thing to do as parents were outraged about her low-cut outfits. At least the moms were outraged.

In the song, Perry wears "dress-up clothes," which include a veil and a tight green dress, while singing a version of her song "Hot 'N Cold" with Elmo. Though there is a skin-toned mesh fabric covering her chest, Perry's cleavage is still very visible.

Sesame Workshop sent a reply to Time Magazine and said they pulled the segment due to parent complaints.

Sesame Street has always been written on two levels, for the child and adult. We use parodies and celebrity segments to interest adults in the show because we know that a child learns best when co-viewing with a parent or care-giver. We also value our viewer's opinions and particularly those of parents. In light of the feedback we've received on the Katy Perry music video which was released on You Tube only, we have decided we will not air the segment on the television broadcast of Sesame Street, which is aimed at preschoolers.

Look for Sesame Street to use better decision making in the future when it comes to celeb appearances. So Lindsay, Paris, and Britney don't look for directions to Sesame Street anytime soon.