Details About the Ryan Newman NASCAR Crash

More details. When might Ryan be back in the car?
Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.
Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.
More details. When might Ryan be back in the car?
John Force has survived many horrific crashes in his Funny Car.
The crash occurred during the quarterfinals of Sunday’s final eliminations in the NHRA Arizona Nationals at Wild Horse Pass Motorsports Park in suburban Phoenix.
Force was headed for a win when the engine on his Peak Chevrolet Camaro blew up just as it crossed the finish line, destroying the body. Lindberg, meanwhile, lost traction about one-third of the way down-track, but then got back into the gas to try and catch Force.
Force appeared to lose control of the body-less car and went across from the left lane he was in to the right-hand lane, where he hit the retaining wall in front of Lindberg.
Lindberg tried to avoid Force, but couldn’t. To make matters worse, the body on Lindberg’s car then came off and Force’s and Lindberg’s cars got tangled up in Lindberg’s parachute, sending both chassis’ into the left retaining wall.
Lindberg emerged from his Funny Car under his own power and was checked at the medical center before heading back to his pit.
Force, meanwhile, was helped out of his mangled wreck by the NHRA Safety Safari and was transported by ambulance to the hospital due to the severity of the impact.
Force has been released from the hospital.
Amazing this video was caught on the dashcam.
Not a good week for Americans looking to pick up the slack from NASA and get to space.
This one involved Virgin Galactic.
Terrible news.
Steve and I talk about air safety this week and we recap the crash this past weekend in San Francisco.
Have a listen: