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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Halloween (28)


The Big Bang Theory Quotes from "The Good Guy Fluctuation"

A cute comic book artist puts Leonard and Priya's relationship to the test, while Sheldon tries to scare the guys for Halloween.

Here are the quotes:

Sheldon: I say "yawn"

Sheldon: The most frightening thing is the missing comma!

Raj: I had pee his pants!

Leonard: We're all winners.

Leonard; That was pretty droll.  With a hint of ammonia.

Sheldon: I'm Texas through and through.  Ask Mexico.

Leonard; Alice, that makes more sense than penis.

Penny: It's a rough month when Halloween and PMS hit at the same time.

Leonard: I'm from New jersey.

Sheldon: Be a lamb and check.

Sheldon: I tried to scare an Indian with a snake.

Penny: I'd offer you Halloween candy but that's gone.

Leonard: There were too many tongues in my mouth.

Sheldon: Science, you wouldn't understand.

Sheldon: I've read all the great moral philosophers including Dr. Suess.

Leonard: Alice is the stuff I want to do.

Sheldon: Tropicana, no pulp.

Sheldon: Isn't hypochondria a common idiosyncrasy of Jewish people?

Leonard: I was going to be a jack-ass but I stopped myself.

Leonard: I don't deserve you, what do you mean everybody?

Leonard: You messed up a lot.

Sheldon: Bazinga punk now we're even!


'Modern Family' Quotes of the Night: Halloween

I don't think anyone can do Halloween better than Modern Family.


Phil: We love Halloween!

Claire:  I'm sparing you an entire day of guys asking you if you have a rough tongue.

Mitchell:  There are exactly 3 people in costumes.  A tool, a douche, and me.

Jay: It's Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, not carpool tunnel syndrome.

Claire:  Are you trying to get candy or Japanese businessmen?

Mitchell:  I'm trapped in the men's room and all I have on is a Spiderman costume.

Haley:  I'm Mother Teresa.  Back when she was hot.

Claire:  I'll pay you $10 to put on more clothes.

Jay:  Did she just get back from the dentist?

Cam:  I wanted to run too, but my hump got stuck on a rosebush.

Cam:  And then the townspeople started chasing me, and that's when I wet my pants.

Cam:  I lived on a farm... they lived in town, they were townspeople.

Gloria:  He came out of nowhere and he scared the Baby Jesus out of me.

Claire:  Halloween is a crazy-ass holiday!

Cam:  That's a lot of complaining for someone that asked for thirds of our tendoori turkey last year.



iPad Free App of the Week: The Very Hungry Pumpkin+

This free app will get you read for tick-or-treat night.

The premise is simple.  Gobble up the candy and avoid the costumed trick-or-treaters.

It starts out slow, but it gets harder and harder.

Ghoulishly fun game for kids of all ages.  It's the perfect Halloween game for the iPad.

Casual game, uncommonly fun
* Touch screen controls
* Starts out easy enough for the youngest players
* Escalates to challenge the most hard core gamer
* Beautiful pre-rendered 3D animations
* Hilarious sound effects
* Frenetic music adds to the excitement

So fun, its SCARY!

It's free, so enjoy this exciting game today.

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