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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.


Another Shark Attack in Egypt Closes Beaches

Egyptian authorities called in an international team of marine biologists after a shark killed a German tourist yesterday in the Red Sea resort of Sharm El-Sheikh, the Tourism Ministry said.

The killing was the fourth shark attack in the resort within a week and the only fatality. Authorities closed beaches for a second time and banned tourists from swimming and snorkelling.

"We are concerned," Tourism Ministry spokeswoman Omayma El-Husseini said by telephone in Cairo. "Any incident that threatens the safety of tourists is a cause for concern and the proof is that beaches have been closed."

Eighty per cent of tourists who visit Egypt spend time on the eastern coastline seeking sun, sand and diving, El-Husseini said.

Tourism accounts for 13 per cent of jobs in the country. In 2011, Egypt aims to attract more than 16 million tourists, generating more than $14 billion in revenue, minister Zoheir Garranah said in an interview in October.

Egypt invited four international shark experts to "assess and advise on the best course of action" after the attacks.

The biologists traveling to Egypt include George Burgess, director of the Florida Program for Shark Research and curator at the Florida Museum of Natural History; Marie Levine, head of the Shark Research Institute in Princeton, New Jersey; and Ralph Collier of the Shark Research Committee of Chatsworth, California, the diving chamber said. A fourth, Erich Ritter, a shark behavioural expert, is advising from his research centre in the US.

Most areas in Sharm El-Sheikh will be open for experienced divers with at least 50 logged dives, the diving chamber said in its statement.

The government doesn't expect the ban on swimming and snorkelling to last more than three days, South Sinai Govenor Abdel-Fadeel Shousha said today in a live interview with the Qatar-based Al Jazeera television.


Paris is Snowed In


Paris is one of the world's most beautiful cities.  It may be even more beautiful when covered in a blanket of snow.

It wasn't all that beautiful for travelers trying to get in and out of the French capital.

Heavy snow paralyzed travel in the Paris region Wednesday, where officials suspended air traffic at one of Europe's busiest airports, closed several highways and shut down the Eiffel Tower.

The resulting traffic jams set a new record. According to the National Center for Highway Information, snarled traffic lined 420 kilometers of roadways around the capital, CNN reported.

Officials at the Charles de Gaulle airport suspended air traffic for several hours in the afternoon, and began limited operations in the evening, according to Aeroports de Paris, the region's airport authority. There were dozens of flight cancellations and there will be long delays for other flights, authorities said. At the Orly airport, several flights were canceled and delays were running up to three hours, the airport authority said on its website.


Modern Family Quotes from "Dance Dance Revelation"

Claire and Gloria help plan a school dance, and Lily likes to bite, much to Mitchell and Cam's dismay. As a bonus, Jay and Phil take their sons to the mall.

Claire: I don't think Phil is a pocket-square kind of guy.

Mitchell You wouldn't believe how some of the parents dress their kids.

Phil: Let's go, Incredible Hulk.

Cam: Let's blame the gay dads!

Phil: I want you to know there is more to being a man than shopping for fancy outfits.

Claire: I already have a husband who doesn't fix lights.

Cam: She bit me. It like Twilight back here!

Luke: Here's something I learned about mannequins, they don't have a wiener.

Cam: She's not biting, she's teething.

Cam: I'm not the one who uses his teeth like a multi-tool.

Claire: What, we needed chairs.

Manny: At this rate, I'm going to miss the first dance, at my wedding.

Phil: Oasis for men, men, men, men, men, men, men.

Jay: I'm tough.

Phil: You know skipping burns more calories than running.

Mitchell: You know she didn't fight in Vietnam.

Cam: I waterboarded my daughter!

Cam: As a side note, private parts are private.

Claire: Luke, are you wearing cologne?

Luke: No, Dad attacked the perfume guy.

Claire: It's all about Gloria, Gloria, Gloria!

Claire: You still my thunder with your tight dresses and you great ideas.

Gloria: Your thunder is your thunder, and my thunder is my thunder.

Phil: Hopefully you don't raise a serial killer.

Cam:  Apparently some maniac at the mall went crazy and attacked him with Oasis.


Florida Coach to Step Down Again

According to the Twitter page of Sporting News Radio host Todd Wright, Florida’s Urban Meyer will step down later today from his position of head coach.

Others have also tweeted the Meyer news, stating  that the Gators head coach indeed will step down and that a press conference will be held later this evening to announce the decision.

We've heard this before, so Gator haters don't get too excited.  After the season Florida just had, I'd be interested to hear what the opinions of Gators are about Meyer at this point.

Gator fans aren't as patients as Georgia Bulldog fans are.


iPad Free App of the Week: Google Books

Here's how the App Store bills the Google Books app:

The Google Books app offers access to over 2 million Google eBooks on your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad. Take your favorite books with you on the go.

Great Reading Experience

- Change font, search within book, information about book
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- Millions of books in every imaginable category, from New York Times bestsellers to favorite classics
- Over 2 million free ebooks available instantly
- Over 400,000 ebooks for purchase
- Free preview pages
- Unlimited storage of books in the digital cloud
- Worry-free archive

Syncs With Your Google Books Library

- Find books at and add them to the 'My Google eBooks' shelf to sync
- Access all your ebooks wirelessly from the digital cloud; no dedicated e-reading device required
- Automatic page position synching across devices -- pick up reading where you left off



All that being said, I like the app, but I don't see giving up using the Kindle app for books and reading.  I think the Kindle app on my iPad is the rest of the eBook store apps.  But give Google Books a try, it will continue to grow and get better as feedback comes in from users.