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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Amy Farah Fowler (4)


The Big Bang Theory Quotes from "The Isolation Permutation"

On tonight's episode of CBS' THE BIG BANG THEORY, titled The Isolation Permutation, Amy is crushed when Bernadette and Penny go shopping for wedding dresses without her and Sheldon learns the fine art of cuddling.

Here we go with the quotes:

Bernadette: If you don't mind looking like an orange traffic cone, then great.

Sheldon: The quality of dinner conversation in this apartment has declined... Penny.

Amy: Sometimes you forget I'm a lady.

Sheldon: She came down to borrow a cup of mad cow disease.

Howard: What guy knows what a sweetheart neckline is?

Leonard: I'd be a great jockey if I weren't too tall, or scared of horses.

Sheldon: Leonard you may be the wisest of us all.

Sheldon: Who said Amy was eaten by a bobcat?

Amy: Everybody hurts, everybody cries. Sometimes.

Leonard: I'm single, I don't need this crap.

Sheldon: Word on the street is a bobcat was spotted...

Sheldon: Did you fail to offer them a beverage?

Sheldon: Ours is a relationship of the mind.

Sheldon: I will gently stroke your head and say ah, poor Amy.

Amy: We cuddle, final offer.

Amy: I'm just sayin' second base is right there.

Leonard: The Indian monopoly man?

Sheldon: I was strong armed into an evening of harp music and spooning.

Sheldon: My Lego fun time.

Sheldon: I'm a man of science, not someone's snuggle buddy.

Bernadette: They are all about getting naked and washing each other.

Penny: The three menstrateers.

Amy: Come on tumor, come on tumor. 

Amy: One of these things should die alone.

Amy: ... The semester abroad in Norway all over again.

Bernadette: Penny, tell her she's not a tumor.

Sheldon: Ahoy.

Sheldon: Amy is drunk in a liquor store parking lot.

Amy: Hey cuddles.

Sheldon: Yes, cuddles, we cuddled.  Shut up Leonard.

Amy: Finally someone found second base.

Amy: Like in Norway when my friends trapped me in a sauna with a horny otter.

Amy: We'll paint fertility symbols on Bernadette's naked body.

Amy: I'm sorry are you the maid of honor?

Amy: What are you a nun?  C'mon bestie, let's see some skin.

Amy: Not Penny beautiful, but beautiful.


The Big Bang Theory Quotes from "The Wildebeest Implementation"

Is Raj able to talk to girls now?  And how sneaky are Penny and Bernadette?

Here are tonight's quotes:

Amy: Is she always this crabby when she urinates?

Amy: That bitch is crafty?

Bernadette:  What makes me the weakest member?

Amy: You wouldn't last a minute on the Serengeti.

Penny:  I'll have to rent my womb to a gay couple.

Amy: Leonard's no stranger to back-alley cockfights.

Sheldon:  I finally have a handle on my idea for three-person chess.

Sheldon: The serpent and the old woman.

Leonard: Einstein had a pretty busy sex life.

Amy:  My metatarsals are barking!

Amy: Don't leer, you have a girlfriend.

Raj:  I'd rather get a prostate exam from a leper that walks away with nine fingers.

Amy: The Wildebeest is in the curry.

Amy: Priya, wouldn't want to be ya.

Leonard: You kidding, 3-D.

Howard:  That shows the studio has faith in it.

Howard: I'm not going to help you, this is hilarious.

Bernadette: She's also dating an astronaut.

Sheldon: I don't want to hug you.

Sheldon: Perhaps we can assign a color to lonely.  You look positively orange with loneliness.

Sheldon: Prince Joey.

Sheldon; The funny thing about Prince Joey is everytime he moves there is a one in five chance he kills himself.

Sheldon: You gobble these up like Tic Tacs.

Bernadette: I have to pee, or is that implausible as well?

Amy: We may have to kill her.

Bernadette: It was an architect!

Sheldon: I'm just here to observe.

Raj: Here, go buy yourself a scone.

Raj: She didn't even get see my penis. Ta Da!

Leonard: Gals, who are you, Fred Flintstone?

Leonard: I think the word you are looking for is befuddled.

Sheldon: My catapult slings my bishop.

Howard: Rook to transporter pad.

Leonard: When is my pawn allowed to use the golf cart?

Sheldon: I knew I should've given my Pope the jet pack.


Big Bang Theory Quotes from "The Agreement Dissection"

Leonard has had it with Shelton's famous "roommate agreement" so Priya springs into action like any good lawyer.  Sheldon takes up dancing.

Here are tonight's quotes.

Sheldon: 32 oz. banana smoothie, 14 oz. bladder.

Priya:  Leonard, let the man pee!

Sheldon: Move, move, move.

Leonard:  Cool, I have a lawyer, and I've seen her naked.

Leonard; Licensed to practice law in 3 countries and your face.

Leonard: Schooled!

Leonard: Shower sex with you is the second best thing that happened today.

The guys: ooompa!

Leonard:  I got you the lamb kabob.

Sheldon:  The Greeks, they gave us science, democracy and little cubes of beef that taste like sweat.

Penny:  We'll probably be trashing Priya a little.

Bernadette:  What's up with those pants suits?

Amy: See,  crazy!

Amy:  You smell like baby powder.

Sheldon: it's talc.

Amy: You're a sexy toddler.

Sheldon:  I had to give mouth to mouth to a nun.

Amy:  Give me some sugar bestie!

Bernadette:  I bet he looks like a spider on a hot plate.

Sheldon:  I saved a nun's life, why am I being punished.

Bernadette: Muy caliente, Sheldon!

Sheldon:  It's hard to say no to Yoo Who!

Sheldon:  You own a smoking monkey?

Amy:  I can train him to shoot a poisoned dart.  No jury in the world will convict a monkey.

Sheldon: A stylized penile display.

Sheldon:  You really are an ass.

Sheldon: I never bluff.

Computer: Self destruct sequence aborted.

Sheldon: Good morning Amy!

Amy: It most certainly is not.

Amy:  I also found a Korean businesman's business card tucked in my cleavage.

Amy: They were out of menthols, get off my back!


Big Bang Theory Quotes from "The Alien Parasite Hypothesis"

Raj and Howard are at each other and Amy is attracted to a man that isn't Sheldon.

Here's tonight's quotes:

Sheldon: What is the best number? There is only one correct answer.

Leonard: 73 is the Chuck Norris of numbers.

Penny: So I spent 7th grade dotting my I's will little asses?

Amy: Does "went out" mean, have intercourse?

Penny: Zack can't even spell "NPR".

Raj: Did he get super powers?

Howard: Who would want to become "Rat Man"?

Raj: You could be my sidekick, Mouseboy.

Sheldon: Hosting an alien parasite.

Amy: Where would I have picked up a parasite?

Raj: It's easy, a spider is crawling up your arm.

Amy: I'm not going through menopause.

Sheldon: You said that with the testy bark of an old bitty.

Sheldon: Did you see Star Trek, The Motion Picture? Don't!

Sheldon: Cheap science fiction!

Amy: That's not your lunch. That's the cadaver brain specimens.


Sheldon: Forget science, she's horny.

Penny: Are you sure?

Sheldon: It's illegal to spay a human being.

Penny: Oh Amy, you lucky girl.

Sheldon: I'm looking for a "Zack Johnson" that used to have coitus with my neighbor Penny.

Sheldon: It's like trying to talk to a dolphin.

Howard: 1-2-3-Go is for babies.

Raj: What kind of superhero says, "dibs on the red tights."

Sheldon: I look like a Hell's Angel.

Sheldon: Follow your endocrine system.

Zack: My gluteus what?

Howard: I could've been a ninja by now if my mother could've arranged a car pool.

Raj: It's only a matter of time before you fall into Rat Man's, rat trap.