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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Quotes (47)


The Big Bang Theory Quotes From "The Weekend Vortex"

Sheldon chooses to play video games with the guys rather than go with Amy to her aunt's birthday party.  Is he in the dog house?

Here are the quotes:

Raj: We were bad ass back in the day.

Raj; It's on like Alderaan.

Sheldon: The online game.  Bully!

Sheldon: She's 93, she won't be disappointed for very long.

Sheldon: I use it to get the right way.

Sheldon: Please Amy, it's got lightsabers!

Sheldon: I've been to the model train store, I've been to Radio Shack...

Howard: Be a man, tell Amy you want to have a sleepover and play video games.

Sheldon: Not some hotsy-totsy from Glendale.

Leonard; I'm a stallion that has to run free.

Penny: You can't put a saddle on Leonard Hofstadter.

Leonard; You become Speedy Gonzalez.

Sheldon: These are Cooper Coupons.

Leonard: Keep an eye on those expiration dates.

Sheldon: Thank wireless technology.

Sheldon:  I won't hear a word the old geezers are saying.

Sheldon: I wouldn't mind a piece of birthday cake, provided the old gal's blow is clean and dry.

Raj: No fat turkey jerky.

Leonard; I was wrong it's still funny.

Penny: Who's Armond the Miniature Horse Breeder?

Amy: I'm dating Sheldon Copper!

Penny: Well, sickly is the new sexy.

Sheldon: Saying "weeee" doesn't make the Land Speeder go.

Amy: Then you start doing trick shots to keep things interesting.

Penny: That will work better after Sheldon hits puberty.

Bernadette: My Howie wowie has an owie!

Sheldon: Accept these valuable Cooper Coupons.

Penny: And that's how a girl makes a scene.

Howard: That's my ride, gotta go.


The Big Bang Theory Quotes From "The Recombination Hypothesis"

Leonard wants to take Penny out for a romantic dinner, so what does the gang have to say about that?

Here are the quotes:

Sheldon: Permission granted commander.

Amy: The more intelligent the monkey, the more feces they fling.

Sheldon: They sent the wrong Spock.

Sheldon: Live long and suck.

Penny: Too much?

Amy: Maybe he's dying, that would be so romantic.

Amy: She could ride him right up until he flatlines.

Amy: If he were dying, would you sleep with him?

Bernadtte: I'm a sexy cardiologist, and I'm not in his HMO.

Sheldon: Either of you fellows have wood?

Sheldon: Who has wood for my sheep?

Raj: Why do you call her brown sugar?

Sheldon: It's in her book, "Needy Baby, Greedy Baby"

Sheldon: Anybody have wood?

Leonard; I used the equipment to make my own Bat Signal.

Leonard; I'm the King of the Nerds.

Penny: I don't even know what T.J. stands for.

Sheldon: Now that I have some wood, I'm going to start the erection of my settlement.

Sheldon: He's being murdered.

Raj: You were in the middle of an erection?

Sheldon: It's right here in my hand.

Leonard: Sometimes I have questions.

Leonard: Except when I got the foot cramp.

Leonard: What if I dump you?

Leonard: Penny and Leonard 2.0

Sheldon: Did you bring you asthma inhaler?

Sheldon: Here's 2 dollars, go buy some beef jerky.

Sheldon: You have a keen insight into the human heart, Amy Farrah Fowler.

Penny: You're like a dog with a bone.

Leonard; Isn't sex after fighting what we do now?

Penny: I've got to stop by the drug store.


The Big Bang Theory Quotes from "The Speckerman Recurrence"

Leonard must face his fears after being contacted by his high school tormentor, can the guys help?  On The Big Bang Theory, Thursday, Dec. 8 at 8pm Eastern.

Here are the quotes.

Sheldon: I got you to stop saying Valentine's Day.

Sheldon: The head of one of the largest religious organizations in the world dunking to "Sweet Georgia Brown."

Sheldon: Was he the one that made you eat his arm hair?

Sheldon: Nobel Prize acceptance ceremony streaming live.

Sheldon: Did you have a bad clam?

Leonard: No you did not have sex with my mother!

Penny: High school quarterback against mathletes.

Bernadette: She stole all my clothes and left an elf costume in my locker.

Amy: Gorilla fingers Fowler.

Penny: I was not a bully.

Bernadette: Sounds like you were, maybe a felon.

Wolowitz: You wore underwear?  You fool.

Speckerman:  I hear you're a big time scientist now.

Speckerman: How did you get inside that backpack?

Sheldon: Leonard is just a dime store laser jockey.

Sheldon: Even I know that's a doozy.

Sheldon: Leonard, I platonically love you, but you're a mess.

Sheldon: Leonard wet his bed well into his teens.

Leonard: You called me Nancy for three years.

Penny: I'm sorry I made fun of your stutter in high school.

Sheldon: One for good luck, must be the math they do at Princeton.

Speckerman: Stuffing that parrot down your pants.

Sheldon: Make him wander the streets with the other drunks.

Penny: I feel just like Mother Teresa, except for the virgin part.

Sheldon: This world is going to chew you up and spit you out.

Speckerman: You really know your way around the kitchen, Nancy.

Sheldon: The Dark Knight has your back.

Sheldon: I just need to outrun you.

Penny: C'mon yoga top...

Amy: Looking to day we might be cell mates.

Bernadette: It's ok, I serve soup to poor people.



The Big Bang Theory Quotes From "The Flaming Spittoon Acquisition"

Sheldon considers taking his relationship with Amy to the next level when Stuart from the comic book store asks her out on a date, on THE BIG BANG THEORY.

Here are tonight's quotes.

Sheldon: What do you think of new comic book night?

Amy: This...lame-o

Sheldon: You play the harp, like that's cool!

Howard: It's like a secret tax on guys who can't get laid.

Howard: This is Billy the Kid we're talking about!

Raj: Who would win, Billy the Kid or the White Wizard?

Stuart: Like shooting nerds in a barrel.

Sheldon: Abandon your research and start teaching?

Sheldon: I don't own Amy!

Sheldon: What to do with a washed up experimental physicist.

Amy: Or we play , Travel twister.

Bernadette: Hope you enjoyed the prenatal cigarettes, Mom!

Penny: She has a Sheldon.

Dale: He left me in charge.  I don't get it either.

Dale: I don't do returns, they are hard.

Sheldon: My bowel movements run like a German train schedule.

Sheldon: I'm very disappointed in you cowpokes.

Sheldon: When I dressed up as a Bealzabobcat.

Leonard; Hocus Pocus Pocahontas.

Sheldon: I'm in the Matrix, I see everything.

Sheldon: I came to ask, if you would like to go on a date with me.

Penny: Strap on a pair and go talk to Amy.

Amy: Try it without the quadruple negative.

Sheldon: Amy, will you be my girlfriend.

Sheldon: Here's a dollar, get some Sour Patch Kids.

Sheldon: Is that the kind of nagging I can expect now that you are my girlfriend.

Sheldon: The relationship agreement.

Sheldon:  Start perusing while I set up my notary stamp.

Bernadette: No one beats me at limbo.



The Big Bang Theory Quotes from "The Isolation Permutation"

On tonight's episode of CBS' THE BIG BANG THEORY, titled The Isolation Permutation, Amy is crushed when Bernadette and Penny go shopping for wedding dresses without her and Sheldon learns the fine art of cuddling.

Here we go with the quotes:

Bernadette: If you don't mind looking like an orange traffic cone, then great.

Sheldon: The quality of dinner conversation in this apartment has declined... Penny.

Amy: Sometimes you forget I'm a lady.

Sheldon: She came down to borrow a cup of mad cow disease.

Howard: What guy knows what a sweetheart neckline is?

Leonard: I'd be a great jockey if I weren't too tall, or scared of horses.

Sheldon: Leonard you may be the wisest of us all.

Sheldon: Who said Amy was eaten by a bobcat?

Amy: Everybody hurts, everybody cries. Sometimes.

Leonard: I'm single, I don't need this crap.

Sheldon: Word on the street is a bobcat was spotted...

Sheldon: Did you fail to offer them a beverage?

Sheldon: Ours is a relationship of the mind.

Sheldon: I will gently stroke your head and say ah, poor Amy.

Amy: We cuddle, final offer.

Amy: I'm just sayin' second base is right there.

Leonard: The Indian monopoly man?

Sheldon: I was strong armed into an evening of harp music and spooning.

Sheldon: My Lego fun time.

Sheldon: I'm a man of science, not someone's snuggle buddy.

Bernadette: They are all about getting naked and washing each other.

Penny: The three menstrateers.

Amy: Come on tumor, come on tumor. 

Amy: One of these things should die alone.

Amy: ... The semester abroad in Norway all over again.

Bernadette: Penny, tell her she's not a tumor.

Sheldon: Ahoy.

Sheldon: Amy is drunk in a liquor store parking lot.

Amy: Hey cuddles.

Sheldon: Yes, cuddles, we cuddled.  Shut up Leonard.

Amy: Finally someone found second base.

Amy: Like in Norway when my friends trapped me in a sauna with a horny otter.

Amy: We'll paint fertility symbols on Bernadette's naked body.

Amy: I'm sorry are you the maid of honor?

Amy: What are you a nun?  C'mon bestie, let's see some skin.

Amy: Not Penny beautiful, but beautiful.